Little Sparks Tuition Assistance Program
University of Illinois Chicago is a proud recipient of the Child Care Access Means Parents in School (CCAMPIS) grant, which the U.S. Department of Education federally funds. Little Sparks Tuition Assistance Program will use grant funds to support student-parents as they complete their education by providing childcare funding and wrap-around support.
The Child Care Access Means Parents in School (CCAMPIS) Program, established under the Higher Education Act and overseen by the U.S. Department of Education, assists low-income parents in pursuing postsecondary education by offering access to licensed, nationally accredited childcare services on campus or in the community for children aged 6 weeks to 12 years. The Little Sparks Child Care Subsidy is for child care for ages 0 – 5 years old.
For more information, contact:
Melinda Young,
Program Coordinator
or visit our website at